3 Useful Tips for Effective Online Learning

Posted on: 10th August, 2021

By Naomi Priscilla
Diploma in Media and Communications

A shift that the pandemic familiarises everyone with is the move to online and digital activities, including learning.

Online learning can get tricky. When facing the screen in the comfort of home, some distractions may surface, whether it is the continuous notification popping up at the upper right-hand screen, the trouble of being too comfortable in pyjamas, or simply having your internet connection disrupted.

While PSB Academy has gradually increased the number of students back at campus for face-to-face classes, but should you still have some virtual classes, here are three tips to make your online learning effective.

A stable and reliable internet connection is a necessity

This first tip is vital. Take note that online classes require your full and uninterrupted participation, whether you join from your home or outside. Avoid being disconnected because it will bring a disadvantage to your focus.

Suppose you are attending online classes from home. In that case, you can make sure that you have a stable internet connection by rebooting the router to prevent any troubleshoot in the middle of your online class or prepare a ready-to-use hotspot in case of emergencies.

If you prefer to study outside, you can consider investing in modems or signal boosters to decrease the chances of your internet connection getting disrupted.

Be Organised

Online learning can be challenging when you are unorganised or unprepared. The flexibility that comes with online learning challenges us to motivate ourselves to build our routines. The question is, what do you need to be organised or prepared for?

Two things you can organise are your study area and your schedule. Firstly, it is essential to have your study area well set up. When you are in your comfort zone, the line between the bed and study table is thin. Whereas having a study environment is as important as studying itself. Choose a quiet area that has enough lighting. Try your best to avoid places that may divert your focus or attract distractions.

Secondly, having an organised schedule is the next thing you need to commit yourself to. Your school can only go as far as to set up your class schedules, and in between is your responsibility to manage your time well. This includes toilet and lunch breaks, which can seem trivial yet may hinder you when you are unorganised. Create a calendar to track your deadlines or daily schedule to help you stay on track for the day. The most important thing when it comes to setting up your schedule is to remain committed.

Participate in online discussions

Online learning is not simply listening to the lecturer through a screen; but it is a two-way communication between the students and the teacher. As students, you need to contribute to discussions as that is the only way the teachings can be effective for you and the class. When participating in an online learning class, you can take advantage of the breakout groups and contribute your thoughts and opinions so that the class can learn from your perspective. Take notes of the teacher’s presentation and quiz yourself to help you be mentally engaged in learning through the screen.

With these three simple tips, I hope they will ease your troubles when participating in an online learning class. As the pandemic may be unfortunate to all of us, remember to enjoy the process of your online learning journey, celebrate your achievements, stay positive, and enjoy this new experience.

Disclaimer: All views and statements expressed are solely personal opinions and do not represent those of PSB Academy or other people and organisations.