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7 Reasons Why A Mechanical Engineering Career Is A Great Choice

Posted on: 24th January, 2020

Mechanical engineering is a discipline that applies the principles of engineering to the design, analysis, manufacturing and maintenance of machines. It paves the way for you to have a lucrative career that benefits you and the society. If you have a passion for Mathematics and Physics, you can choose to study mechanical engineering because it will help sharpen your skills in the design, research and manufacturing of equipment, aircraft and other vehicles. It will also hone your analytical and logical thinking skills. As a mechanical engineer, you will be highly valued for your transferable and invention skills.

Here are seven reasons why you should consider mechanical engineering as a career option.

Reason 1: You will have a wide range of career choices.

You can choose from a wide range of sub-disciplines to specialise in a niche within mechanical engineering, such as marine engineering, aerospace engineering, automobile engineering and many more. Your career choice could also bring you to some interesting places, depending on your choice, such as deserts, oil rigs, deep seas, power industries and automobile industries. On the other hand, if your niche is in the design aspects of mechanical engineering, you could be working in an office.

With such a broad range of career choices, you will very likely find something that suits your needs and preferences.

Reason 2: You will be exposed to global opportunities

A mechanical engineer is needed in almost every country worldwide, including the Americas, Asia and Europe. This is because engineering projects can be located all over the world, requiring you to meet customers and conduct investigative fieldwork as part of your responsibilities.

Reason 3: You will become a jack and master of all trades.

Let’s forget about careers and money for a moment. Mechanical engineering will help you to become a multi-talented person. While pursuing this degree, you will be able to develop your knowledge in a wide variety of fields, including Chemistry, Physics, English Language, structures, electricity and computer applications. Furthermore, you will develop an in-depth understanding of the economic, social and environmental aspects of engineering. Thus, you will not only become an expert in your core subject, but you will also build your knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.

Reason 4: You will get to enjoy your passion.

If complex computations are your cup of tea, you may not be drawn to any other discipline that is focused on a small set of specialised skills. Instead, with mechanical engineering, you will find yourself at home with designing and simulating 3D structures. You will get to dabble in resource production, environmental protection measures and alternative energy systems. In addition, you will get to explore the intricacies of Physics, develop creative thinking and fulfil your desire to solve problems.

Reason 5: You will spend your life amidst tools and technology.

Mechanical engineers make use of a wide range of tools, which include flowmeters, pressure gauges, computer software, combustion analysers, optical laser scanners and semiconductor process systems. These tools will help you prepare technical drawings, test and evaluate equipment, track the production of machinery, and so on. You will use the tools not only in outdoor installations but also in indoor workplaces. Thus, there is never a dull moment in the career of a mechanical engineer.

Reason 6: You will be presented with a plethora of opportunities.

There is a demand for mechanical engineers all over the world. Therefore, if you are an adventurous type with an interest in Mathematics, Physics and complex computations, take a plunge into mechanical engineering. This rewarding career will not restrict you to your country, but will give you opportunities to travel to another country of your choice.

Reason 7: You will contribute to the society.

Perseverance and hard work combined with your knowledge in mechanical engineering could enable you to change the world. For example, you could invent the next-generation AI-powered gadgets, bring about positive changes in the lives of the aging population, or devise solutions for challenges in cybersecurity, climate change or the energy market. As Mr Lim Chong Lye, a lecturer at the School of Engineering and Technology at PSB Academy said, “Mechanical engineering has realised the ideas of scientists. The high-tech gadgets that you have would be imperfect without mechanical engineering because mechanical engineers are at the forefront of future technologies.” It is your turn to be one of those bright minds that the world is looking for to bring about a revolution in society and inspire future generations.

With a broad range of career opportunities in mechanical engineering, you may find yourself pursuing your interest in cranes, robots, shipping, energy, elevators, escalators, aeronautics, automotive vehicles or even nanotechnology. In short, if you have a passion for dealing with moving parts and heavy equipment and seeks challenges in your day-to-day life, mechanical engineering is probably the most suitable career for you.


Why Engineering Is A Great Career, Renishaw, https://www.renishaw.com/en/why-engineering-is-a-great-career–40455

“12 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being A Mechanical Engineer”, Wonderkrish, https://www.wonderkrish.com/2018/04/advantages-disadvantages-being-mechanical-engineer.html (April 9, 2018)

“Seven Reasons To Study Mechanical Engineering”, The Complete University Guide, UK, https://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/courses/mechanical-engineering/seven-reasons-to-study-mechanical-engineering

“Mechanical Engineers in Ventura County”, Employment Development Department, State of California, https://www.labormarketinfo.edd.ca.gov/OccGuides/Detail.aspx?Soccode=172141&Geography=0604000111

“Why Should I Study Mechanical Engineering?”, Multirank Universities Compared Your Way, https://www.umultirank.org/study/mechanical-engineering/

“What Are the Benefits of Pursuing a Degree in Mechanical Engineering?”, Degree Query, https://www.degreequery.com/what-are-the-benefits-of-pursuing-a-degree-in-mechanical-engineering/