Upskilling in Singapore’s Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Posted on: 07th July, 2024

The Vital Role of Upskilling in Singapore’s Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Singapore’s hospitality and tourism industry is a cornerstone of the nation’s economy, attracting millions of visitors each year and contributing 4 percent to the nation’s GDP. As the hospitality industry stands on the brink of a new era, it faces both promising opportunities and daunting challenges.

Shifting consumer trends and skills shortages pose significant hurdles, yet emerging trends like technology integration, wellness tourism, and sustainability are creating new avenues for job creation at the same time. Let’s explore where hospitality jobs and tourism trends in Singapore are going, and why upskilling is essential for hospitality professionals to stay relevant and competitive in this dynamic landscape.

The Current Landscape of Singapore’s Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Singapore’s hospitality and tourism sector is a vital economic driver, generating substantial revenue and creating numerous hospitality jobs. According to Mordor Intelligence, the hospitality industry in Singapore is valued at 4.43B and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.26% to 5.46B in 2029, thanks to the rebound of travel and holiday-goers around the world.

The Top Three Emerging Trends Shaping Singapore’s Tourism Sector 

According to a 2024 Tourism Industry Insights report by NTUC Learning Hub, these are the three emerging growth trends in Singapore’s tourism sector:

Technology Integration

Technology is revolutionising the hospitality industry, enhancing guest experiences and operational efficiency. Innovations such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and contactless services are becoming integral to hospitality operations.

For instance, AI-powered chatbots and concierge services streamline customer interactions, while VR allows potential guests to explore hotel properties virtually before booking.

Wellness Tourism

Wellness tourism, which focuses on health and well-being, is gaining traction worldwide, including in Singapore. This trend caters to travellers seeking rejuvenation and holistic health experiences. Singapore offers various wellness tourism options, from luxury spa retreats to fitness-focused resorts.

The rise of this market presents ample career opportunities for wellness consultants, spa managers, and holistic health practitioners. As wellness tourism continues to grow, professionals equipped with the right skills will be in high demand.


Sustainability is becoming a crucial focus in the hospitality industry. Travellers are increasingly seeking eco-friendly options, prompting businesses to adopt sustainable practices. Singapore’s hospitality sector is embracing sustainability through initiatives such as reducing single-use plastics, implementing energy-efficient systems, and supporting local communities.

Emerging job roles in this area include sustainability coordinators and environmental impact analysts. As sustainability becomes integral to tourism, professionals who understand and can implement green practices will be essential.

How Upskilling Can Help You Land a Job in the Hospitality Industry

The 2024 Tourism Industry Insights report by NTUC Learning Hub highlights the top challenges in Singapore’s tourism sector as:

  • Existing employees lacking the depth of skills required to cater to changing tourism trends
  • Shortage of tourism professionals

At the same time the same report also found that:

  • Nearly all tourism leaders perceive that emerging trends could create more job opportunities in the market
  • Almost 4 in 5 of tourism leaders are looking to hire talent to fill tourism job roles

While Singapore’s hospitality and tourism industry is poised for growth, there is a noticeable skills gap, with many existing hospitality professionals lacking the necessary competencies to meet current and future demands. This presents an opportunity for existing hospitality professionals to upskill and secure higher paying jobs, as well as opportunities for new graduates and mid-career switchers to break into a burgeoning industry.

According to a MyCareersFuture article surveying hospitality job postings on the MyCareersFuture portal, these were some of the hospitality job roles posted that professionals can look forward to:

  • Business Analyst (Salary Range: $5,500 to $8,800)
  • Operations Executive (Salary Range: $2,500 to $3,500)
  • Customer Service Manager (Salary Range: $3,500 to $5,000)
  • Events Manager (Salary Range: S3,500 to $5,000)
  • Sustainability Executive (Salary Range: $3,500 to $5,500)

Prepare for a Promising Career in Hospitality and Tourism with Coventry University @ PSBA

The opportunities and growth potential in Singapore’s hospitality and tourism industry are vast, driven by emerging trends and technological advancements. For existing hospitality professionals, new graduates and mid-career professionals alike, learning new skills to address the skills gap in the hospitality industry is an excellent way to become a promising candidate and secure yourself a better career. Enrolling in a hospitality management course is a great way to pick up these skills in a structured and effective manner.

This is where Coventry University’s Bachelor of Arts with Honours in International Hospitality and Tourism Management at PSB Academy comes in. The programme is designed to equip students with essential skills that align with the hospitality industry’s emerging trends. Students will learn critical skills such as digital literacy, customer experience management, and sustainable practices, and at the same time, gain practical experience through industry projects and internships, making them desirable hires in the competitive job market.

Enrol in the programme today and take the first step towards a successful career in the hospitality and tourism industry.