Anthony Ng Wai Hung
Class of 2022
Master of Business Administration,
After a decade of work experience, I wanted to relook into my career objectives and aligned it with my personal development. An MBA could allow me to appreciate a respected system and advanced management concepts in leadership, management, communications, and other specialised knowledge. Aside from diving into business challenges, I believe an MBA could allow me to practice the advanced concepts, work in teams to analyse business situations and enhance my critical thinking skills. All these can help me gain experience to solve these settings and prepare me to face the challenges in the corporate world, which are demanding, time-sensitive and essential.
The technology and interconnectivity have allowed the collaboration between PSB Academy and the University of Nottingham to happen. As one of the leading private education institutions in Singapore and with the branding of “Academy of The Future”, PSB Academy adopts a forward-thinking framework, which adds to the credential of the programmes. In addition, the school has strong global links that expose us to a global perspective. Their recent graduate employability survey has also shown promising results.
As a supervisor in an industrial sector, part of my role consists of site capital expenditure execution. The finance module has equipped me with the skills and understanding to choose the correct project to invest in and make sound financial decisions. The flexibility of the module selection and the quick human touch response from the staff have made my experience in the MBA programme excellent.