Student Stories

Cho Sobin

Class of 2023
Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Media and Communications, Coventry University

School of Business and Management

Prior to my current Media degree, I enrolled into a 12-month Media Diploma where I built up my foundation knowledge on various subjects. In my first six months at PSB Academy, I had a hard time understanding the Business-related modules such as Management and Business Ethics as they were not media-related topics. However, thanks to the lecturers who have made the lessons engaging, I learned how media are applied across different fields and developed diverse and profound media perceptions.

As a PSB Academy students, my skills and knowledge have vastly expanded. I’ve honed my grammar and writing skills which in turn helped me in my academic writing. One of the modules in the media degree includes Planning for Professional Experience, where I will develop practical skills and foster flexible approaches that will prepare me for my future employment. In addition, the Thinking Media Configuration module has helped me deepen my understanding of various media in today’s society and how they have impacted our daily lives.

I didn’t have a specific goal before embarking on my Diploma course, but now I know my strength and interests. I aspire to be a content creator in the future, and I believe my education at PSB Academy will help me achieve my goal.