Student Stories

Claire Ong

Class of 2023
Certificate in Business Studies (E-Learning), PSB Academy

School of Business and Management

I’ve always known what I wanted to study, even if it meant gritting my teeth just to fight for the time and chance to study. So when I chanced upon PSB Academy’s (PSBA) Certificate in Business Studies (E-Learning), it felt like my golden ticket to achieving what I’ve always longed for – the chance to work and study with a lesser commitment since the study course was a fully online course.

Through the Certificate in Business Studies (E-Learning), not only did I save time from travelling to and fro to campus, but I also had the time to juggle other commitments – work, family, and studies; all of these due to the flexibility in nature from taking the E-Learning course.

Not only does PSBA offer a fully online course, but they also offer a faster route to getting a degree after my diploma. The degree certificate comes straight from The University Of Newcastle, Australia without having me go over to complete my studies.

Being an E-Learning course, challenges are always bound to happen – internet issues, website bugs, but that did not deter me from wanting to experience my E-Learning course again if possible as the pros outweigh the cons more.

Special mention to Lecturer Lim Kok Guan. Mr Lim always cracks jokes while teaching to help us better understand concepts, allowing us to have fun while learning and to better grasp the knowledge. Learning is guaranteed to be fun with him and I really enjoy a lot of his lectures.

I would definitely recommend PBSA for learners who are interested in furthering their studies and seeking a fuss-free way of studying while managing other commitments.