Student Stories

Ilhaam Prayudi

Alumni Class of 2022
Bachelor of Science with Honours in Business and Finance, Coventry University

School of Business and Management

“What misses me will never be my destiny, and what is destined for me will never miss me” – Umar Ibn Khattab

What have you been doing after graduation?

I am currently in a Financial Analyst Development Program (FADP) at Sinar Mas Mining – TechConnect. With PSB Academy Career Services and Engagement, specifically for industry engagement efforts in Indonesia, my employment has been made possible through one of their industry partners, which is Sinar Mas Mining – Tech Connect.

Through this programme, I have learned and am still learning how to be an investment analyst. Deciding to go through this programme is a great start to developing my skills for the future.

As an investment analyst, I analyse a company’s financial reports to determine whether it is a stable company and/or if the deal would benefit us. It is not an easy task because we have to look at many angles and risks before making a deal.

Why did you choose to enrol in the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Business and Finance?

I had a few options in mind, and one of them was the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Business and Finance from Coventry University at PSB Academy. I have heard from others that the Business and Finance course is one of PSB Academy’s top programme choices. Moreover, the course was aligned with my career goals.

Describe your experience studying in Singapore, and how has it helped you in your personal growth. What do you miss the most about your time at PSB Academy?

I gained a lot of new experiences while studying in Singapore, where I was given the opportunity to better myself in becoming a more responsible, cautious, and intuitive person. Since there were so many individuals from different backgrounds, it honed my communication skills, which is crucial when stepping into the real working world or even in the future when I decide to further my academic studies.

What were some valuable takeaways you took at PSB Academy? 

Because of the different ethnicities and languages spoken in Singapore, communicating has always been challenging. As a result, I appreciate the opportunities where I could put myself out there to collaborate and communicate with different groups of people.

Moreover, my analytical abilities are what I truly value most. My time at PSB Academy has honed my analytical skills, which was essential in my role as a credit, investment, and financial analyst today.

What were the challenges you faced when you were seeking employment after graduation? How do you overcome them?

The biggest challenge I faced was the tight competition within the industry. There are a lot of qualified people that could have easily knocked me out, but that is also one of the reasons that motivated me to better myself.

Before my current role, I went for a few different interviews until someone from Sinarmas reached out and offered me to join the FADP in Sinarmas. After going through the interview and written test process, I landed a job at Sinarmas.

The career services team at PSB Academy helped me a lot when I was actively seeking a job. Through their workshops, my interview skills improved.

What are your thoughts on the opportunities available in Indonesia for fresh graduates?

Opportunities are everywhere as long as we put ourselves out there.

While it may be challenging for fresh graduates at the start, many management trainee programmes are actively recruiting. Moreover, graduates can attend PSB Academy’s career fairs or apply for roles through various recruitment sites like LinkedIn. LinkedIn is also a platform where you can approach hiring managers directly.

Most companies in Indonesia are on the lookout for analysts, programmers, and data-entry roles. In fact, you will find a lot of people running support for global companies. Hiring managers would often look at graduates from international universities where their English proficiency levels are higher. Studying in Singapore and at PSB Academy would boost our employment opportunities.

What has been your greatest achievement or most significant project to date (if any)?

My most significant achievement was plucking up the courage to further my studies in a foreign country. Studying abroad is not an easy feat. I have had to overcome the anxiety of stepping into a new country and becoming independent while ensuring my studies do not take a back step. This is why most people would say studying abroad is one of the greatest leaps in anyone’s personal growth.