Student Stories

Liow Wei Jie

Class of 2021

An Interest in STEM, Faster Graduation and Multicultural Experience Led this Student to PSB Academy

A passion for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) has driven Liow Wei Jie to embark on a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering course at PSB Academy last year. He explained, “Whenever I watch a video showing the working process of an automated machine in a factory, I’m always keen to know the working principles behind the machine.”


Wei Jie also appreciated the fact that PSB Academy has a set of dynamics that helps him overcome his language barrier in English. Firstly, group work allows him to interact with other students, improving his communication skills. ”I have learnt to communicate and collaborate with my team mates to accomplish tasks without any big issue,” he said gratefully. Secondly, PSB Academy strongly encourages its students to do project presentations in front of their classes as part of the graduation criteria, building up his confidence and improving his English-speaking skills. Thirdly, the various speakers that the school invites to give talks or workshops to the students frequently further improves his language skills and knowledge. “I’ve gained a lot of practical knowledge that cannot be found in books. The workshops helped me to know more about which career path to pursue too,” he testified.

With shorter term breaks, the course duration at PSB Academy is shorter than that of other available courses in Singapore, with no change in contact hours. “By graduating earlier than others, I can enter the workforce sooner, where I can familiarise myself with the working environment and gain useful practical experiences,” he said.

Wei Jie was impressed with the lecturers at PSB Academy too, as most of them were responsible and very approachable. “My questions always get answered by the lecturers either during the class or after class,” he said. He credited them for helping him achieve outstanding results for his course. He was also nominated to participate in the school’s advertising video for a laboratory and workshop at its premises.

Another reason he chose PSB Academy is that he was able to interact with students from different countries there since he was keen to make friends and get to know more about other cultures.

As for his most memorable time at PSB Academy, he recounted, “It is when I was working together with my best friends to complete an assignment in the workshop. We had lots of fun, and we learnt many practical skills. I truly enjoyed the moment when we finally solved a problem together. It was definitely well worth our hard work when we got a good grade!”