Student Stories

Mun Hyebeen

Class of 2022
Bachelor of Engineering with Honours in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Coventry University

School of Engineering and Technology

Since high school, I’ve always been fascinated by physics, and as I continued, I became interested in engineering. Influenced by my father, who studied Engineering, I decided to take up his advice and pursue the same field as him.

Unlike most schools that I know, PSB Academy has two campuses catered for different disciplines. While the City Campus space is designed for immersive learning and interactive discussion, the STEM campus is a lab-based facility that focuses on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

My classes consist of theory-based sessions where lecturers would explain the different concepts and lab-based sessions where we would put to practice the theories we have learned. I can learn as much theory in class, but whether I genuinely understand will depend on whether I can apply it during the lab sessions. I believe the hands-on experience of assembling hardware and programme coding will value-add to my future career.

The friendships I have forged with people of different nationalities such as Burmese, Malaysians, Chinese, Thais, Indians, and even Singaporeans have exposed me to diverse cultures. At the same time, I could also promote Korean culture to them. Studying in a global environment has led to many cross-culture exchanges, and it has broadened my horizons, allowing me to expand my network.

While females in engineering-related fields are a rare sight, I have discovered that I could bond easily with my classmates as we have a common understanding of the same field. Being a female in a male-dominated industry did not undermine my ability, but in turn, motivated me to excel. I am proud to say that I was a team lead for a school project.

From my Diploma to currently pursuing my Engineering Degree with Coventry University at PSB Academy, my two years here have been exciting and fulfilling so far. After graduating, I hope to find a job where I can be posted to different countries so that I can be exposed to new environments and be able to challenge myself.