Student Stories

Wilford Wong

Class of 2021

It has always been my dream to further my studies. I knew an MBA would help me succeed in my chosen career regardless of my role in the organisation. A good friend brought me to the City Campus at Marina Square, and I found the campus impressive, conducive, and modern. This prompted me to look into the courses that would match my work schedule. All things considered, I decided to take my MBA at Coventry University (CU) with PSB Academy.

The curriculum of CU was nothing ordinary and offered an out of the box approach that seemed very progressive and in tune with the times. The vast resources that were made available to us enabled me to learn more and engage in discussions that allowed me and other students to deep dive on several subject matters. The coursework opened my eyes to different perspectives that also challenged me to think on how I can apply these learnings to actual scenarios.

2020 was not an ordinary year for all of us. The understandable restrictions were put in place to mitigate the effects of Covid-19 led to some major adjustments that forced institutions to make the sudden shift from physical operations to what literally is a virtual life. While there were a lot of birth pains like setting up your little classroom spot in the house, ensuring the audio and video are working well, it is essential to adapt because we will have to live with this kind of setup for probably for couple of years more but what made all the changes bearable was the swift action and pristine student support from PSB Academy.

The school provided support to help students adjust, learn to navigate in the learning platforms and ultimately guide students on how they can maximise the current online learning setup. That for me was impressive because it was integral in ensuring the students’ success in completing the programme and achieving their own professional growth.

Like what I have learned from one of the modules during the transition, agility will play a crucial role in leading an organisation. In addition, being agile and resilient coupled with the support of the other organisation members in times of disruptions like the pandemic will surely help one succeed in leading the business organisation to greater heights. These are the traits that I will always keep in mind because it has truly prepared me to handle the challenges in the workplace.

I want to thank all my classmates, instructors, support staff, Coventry University and PSB Academy for this enriching experience.