Full-time & Part-time Courses
Developed as launchpads to your ideal industry, our diplomas allow you to progress to degrees offered by our international university partners.
Developed as launchpads to your ideal industry, our diplomas allow you to progress to degrees offered by our international university partners.
The School of Foundation Studies offers programmes that are designed to get young students started in their education journey in PSB Academy. These programmes will provide students with the knowledge as well as interpersonal skills, linguistic skills and general competence upon which to prepare the students for future education.
Lessons within each course are designed with experiential learning journeys and interactive activities that focus on different subjects and skills. The School also runs study tours and short-term language skill workshops.
Not quite sure which level of study you should be looking at or are qualified for? Explore courses that are right for you at PSB Academy here!
As one of Singapore’s leading private education institutions with almost 60-years heritage of producing more than 200,000 learners, PSB Academy is committed to defining our identity as “Asia’s Future Academy”. Established in 1964, we started under Singapore’s Economic Development Board and later Productivity and Standards Board to upgrade the knowledge and skills of Singapore’s workforce. With an approach to education that focuses on what really matters: performance in the New Economy, PSB Academy provides quality education to shape and nurture future-ready graduates with the necessary skills and tools to stay relevant in a digitally-driven economy.