Student Support

PSB Academy strives to ensure the wellbeing and safety of our students. We have a duty of care to provide a support system and processes to ensure our students receive the necessary support.

In the event students are faced with incidents which affect their wellbeing and safety, our in-house Counsellor and staff team will provide the support, care and assistance. We will also employ peer and academic support for the student, where required. Support is also available to incidents which occur off-campus or had occurred in the past but still continue to impact the student.

Students may contact our in-house Counsellor through phone or email.

Tel: 6390 9214


Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 6:00pm

Students may also refer to the resource referrals listed here for the 24-hr Crisis Helplines and Community Resources, based on their required needs. For incidents referred to us which require immediate medical/Police/Emergency Services assistance, we will contact the relevant authorities.